Heres 2 images I drew for potential costumes for my character. Oringinally I was more tempted to go with the kind of star wars like robe outfit which I had included. However I looked around the internet and gained a few influences from kind of medievel armour in which I had adapted to me character, however through drawing out the rougth sketch I noticed I accidently got the idea that my charcter could use the tubes shape I drew to store the power.The tubes could run to both side of the arms where he unleashes the special move. Aswell as depending on which power he was using the tubes would change coulour. As a gameplay idea I like the plan that say the player keeps missing with their attacks, Then my character could charge up his power for a deadlier effect resulting in more life lost for the player, Also im tempted by the idea of having one of his powers like a sheild which allows him to charge up his moves without getting affected. Im not going to dismiss the idea totally of a robe and will keep the idea as a backup.
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