Around the same time I watched the trailer for the new film Megamind, and one of the characters stuck out for me was this robot that was been controled by this fish in a bowl as you see below. It then influenced me to come up with an idea of maybe a monkey, potentially conroling the robot through some source as to which im not sure. Maybay having the monkey ride somewhere on the robot been able to control it or been able to control it though brain signals.
My previous point of having the monkey controling the robot also lead me onto th idea of something similar to Wallace and Gromit The Wrong trousers, which im sure everyone is aware of, but having a similar concept of maybe the monkey controling the robot through a remote.
I was then told to come up with a storyline for the character as that would help me design the aesthertics, so I came up with this rougth outline that this kind of crazy monkey got fed up of not been able to find enougth bannanas on the island, which was inhabited with other monkeys. So he came up with this idea of designing a robot in his hideout, which is like a secret labartory hidden in the jungle and he uses his inventioon to collect all the bannanas and the other monkeys are out to stop him. Not the most creative stroyline but its easy to understand and would apeal to the target audience.
Heres a Side,front and back view of my character design.
Heres the design for my character which Im quite pleased with, Ill just talk to you a bit about the design. Firstly I gave the robot really large shoes for two reasons, one is to decrease the potential for falling over in the jungle, as its a very folliage place and easy to trip over vines so this should prevent the chance of that happening. The other reason is that I have equipped him with a Jet pack for obviously reaching those bannan's which are high up in the top of the trees, and he can control the flight through is shoes aswell to help with steering. I purposely gave it a kind of safe like body / chest area as I thought that would be great place to keep the banana's rhich are collected on the island, and could be a great thing to interact with for the second part of the brief. Ive mentioned a bit about the jetpack which will be located on his back. The purpose of the hands is so when the robot is in mid air, the hands will expand to collect the banana's from the tree. The texturing of a good proportion of the robot will be in camouflaged, to hide away from the rest of the inhabits on the islands. There a few of the main features on the robot. Overal im very pleased with my idea and think its a great concept to take forward on to maya.
Heres some finished concept art which I did using adobe illustator, I also included the monkey in this concept, I just wanted it to be a normal looking monkey and look no different to the rest on the island, obviously his intelectual powers are superior but apart from that he just looks like an average monkey, Im really pleased with the way the finished concept art looked.