Heres a front, Side and top view of my island and If you look back a few blogs it pretty much spot onto my concept art and kept to it perfectly. I found landscaping the island rather easy, thanks to creating image planes of my concept art and using them to help me build the island which led me to create an almost near replica of my concept art which helped brilliantly. Towards this stage I didn't really have any issues. The only notable change on a landscaping point of view if that I included a lake within the island. You cant see it as notable within the screenshots I did but if you turn around the bottom screenshot I provided The lake is shaped like a smile, at first I didn't notice this but someone mentioned it to me, and I considered it a kind of happy mistake. It wasn't something I attended to happen but the results turned out a lot better than I had hoped, as the island kind of looks like a happy face in a way, someone even mentioned it does have a little resemblance to a monkey shaped island. Obviously this is really appropriate as it links in well with the target audience as its designed with a fun and casual approach and this effect adds towards the appeal.
I then carried on with some foliage and with it been A jungle / tropical island I went really mad with the trees. Luckily on unity they had an appropriate tree I could use which was the palm tree, so basically I covered the island within offering a little variation such as size and tone as I didn't want it to be completely the same tree covering the island so I offered a little variety. This looked well especially from the top view and was really starting to take its shape as a Tropical island, I had to delete a few trees especially on the very steep terrain as they was placed basically on top of each other and looked really weird. Apart from that the use of the trees worked really well. I Then went and included a little sand terrain in which to create a little beach around the island, giving the feel of including another fun and colourful texture as a yellow which is a bright colour and also gives more indication of a tropical island. Finally I included The water / ocean around the island, and at this stage I was really impressed with the island so far and was really starting to take shape for the construction side of the project which is the process I'm most worried about due to me bad skills in Maya, but hopefully should'nt be too much of a problem as I have really thought out my designs by the use of simple shapes.
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