Starting of with the construction On the huts, sticking towards something similar within my concept design, apart from getting rid of the part at the bottom of the pole, this is my result to which I am very happy with, I went about this process as mentioned using very basic shapes but I am pleased and believe it will look great when I import them into unity, potentially having the crossover the river would create a great impact as I could then get some great shadow effects with the water, Also they should be easy to texture / UV map and could maybe add a little interior inside at a further date But its staring to look promising. Also these buildings should work well as a crossover and connecting within each other across the island.
When It came to texturing I really struggled as its something I really don't like, And Ideally as mentioned before i wanted to go for cell shading at it would appeal more to my audience. However unfortunately I abandoned that idea. I would have liked to have collected my own textures but with living in the UK It might be hard to find appropriate textures so most I plan on grabbing from the internet and providing links to them. The idea was to find some crazy colourful textures, and try to stay away from the realism effect of the island. Here is the textures I came up with first, there not great but its something I;m not too keen on
Heres the textures I cam up with at first I quite liked it, but having a re thing about it I had to think would this apeal to the younger audience and I thought probably no as the colours are too dark, and don't represent the island well as it should be bright and colourful textures which go well with the island. So after a little more editing I came up with this texture.
Its not brilliant but its certainly a lot more colourful textures and I really like the feel of the roof and belief that will look great upon the environment settings in which my island is located. However they still look to realism for my liking but with struggling for time I decided to keep them and import them onto unity. I do really like it but its not the best results as to the feel of the island i am going for still.
Just a few more screenshots of me modeling some of the constructions on maya,
Here is a screenshot of my design for the cable car support which will be situated upon the hill terrain of the island, basically giving a support for the cable car system. I really like the model, and oce again using simple shapes in the order of simplifing and making the construction of what seems more organic and should like it belongs upon its setting when I add some wood texture, given the impression like the rest of the constructions of the island in which its been build with the natural resources on the island. Obviously the cable line will connect with the support, and change the dirction the line is heading. Im very happy with the modeling procedure for the support.
The lift is something I really strugled with, my original concept was to have a crane like, which would be animated to just pick you up and proceed you onto the cable car station, however I really struggled with both the animating and modeling procedure, I really struggled to animate it especially and make it look slighlt resembling. Ok my island is not based on been realism but I still want it to look good and I just was not happy with the rsults, unfortunatly I forgot to take a screenshot. So I went back to the drawing board, and thought about some over crazy concepts inwhich would transport you to the top of the station. A few ideas I had for example having a barrel run along a track, however I was'nt sure as to how to get it to go back up as it wasnt on the same level obviously. However I thought about this concept, got the idea from The Twilight Zone Tower Of Terror at Disney World in Florida as shown below
The idea of this attraction is that your in a kind of lift and you move along the track and when you reach the end you are either launched up or freefall, I thought this would be a great concept as its something completly whacky and would definatly appeal to my island and would be very fun to use, so I went along with the idea and was happy with the results, also animating the model on Maya went much easier than I expected, I had a few problems but nothing to serious, overall I was happy and belive once I have it animated on Unity would be a great asset to the island.
Here is a screenshot of The Cable Car station, This is a little different to my concept art, my original design firstly included a roof, however I scraped this design as I thought it would look much better without and you could see the surroundings from the platform would give it a more interesting and colourful apeal instead of you been stuck inside the interior, just tha more organic and colourful aproach. Also I could'nt get the shape of the tree stumo right so kind of just went for a cylinder apoach, this was mainly due to my lack of maya skills unfortunalty, but still works well upon the environment I hope.
Just all the Maya constructions with their textures on, yes the textures arn't as good as what I had plenned for, but for reasons Ive mentioned before, must are taken of the internet, and most are quite realism as I didnt have time to create cell shaded which I had planned, however Im defianly going to consider this for my final project. I also feel there not as colourful as I would have liked for my target audience, however I tried to add textures such as Cheetah and Zebra skins to the railing to try and pick up the apeal focused on the younger audience.
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