Thursday 16 December 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Introduction

For our new brief we have to create a music video no less than 30 seconds and no more than 5 minuites. They was only one rule we really had to follow which was we had to pick a song this website.

Included on the brief was that we had to work on atleast 2/3 other projects, which was my personal choice as I had decided that I wanted to direct my own video, however I had no idea from this stage inwhich direction I should go for my 1 minuite video, however the one idea that I thought of was to take influence from my other project which was the title credits,which was kind og going for a three colour effect which Ive used before, which actually turned out alright with the green effect I used for the bottle in last years digital film module. so it would be nice to experiment with that idea again. I had no idea how or where to take influence from though I plan to have a look around youtube at different music videos though I had a feeling Im kind of aiming for a sinster atmosphere on first thought.

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