Thursday 16 December 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Research

Here is some research I cam across. Following on from my previous project, I really liked the idea of having some kind of syloette feel for this movie video, however having seen a fellow students briefe for this project I wanted to stay away from using the actors as syloette.

Parkway Drive - Sleepwalker

This is the main focus point of research I found as its the style of work im highly influenced by. I found the video by watching scuzz TV one day and upon first viewing I instantly loved it and would like totry something to a similar effect for my music project. Reasons I'm hugely influenced include I love the use of effects that are included such as the shot in where the you can see the character spraying on the wall in red which works really well upon the black and white , I really acquired to the first person view of the movie as it makes you feel more in the video and gives you a dimension as to what the character is feeling and the emotions going through, which is something I could see working in my video. I also liked the syloette feel of the buildings which I used a similar feature in my title credits sequence and know of some key points in leeds I could use for settings to get a similar feel to what is shown in the vide. I also really admire the kind of constant change in pace of the first person camera which could work really well for that kind of dreamlike effect to express the feel of the charcter is not sure whats happening and I wont to express to the viewers that feel of you cant get settled as and feel relaxed as something new is happening frequently. I also love the shot in where you see the character getting shot which is something I could potentially try on the green screen and I have an idea for my film inwhich thats the last scene in which he tries to escape his dream by shooting himself to wake up to reality. So yeh definatly this video has given me alot of ideas and I have some basic lines inwhich I can follow and develop.

The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up

Another video of research, completly forgot about this video but was reccomended to check it out, but if I was aiming for a first person kind of film this was great reference to use, similar to the previous film it goes through constant change of speed which im looking for to keep the viewers guessing.Another thing I noticed on was some of the effects they have used to give the feeling of a drunk character which Could potentially work well for my film, im not sure as to the exact effect they have used, but seems like a simple way inwhich to take my project forward and experiement with. I also noticed the way in which they have used the characters hands to interact with, and to this moment im unsure as whether to use the hands as could be a issue, but thought of a couple of good shots which could include him looking at his hands with blood on which could be potentially tricky to film but theres an idea their inwhich to take development further.

Heres a trailor for the Sin City film, dont want to mention too much as Ive covered this to death, but its the kind of similar effect im planning on going for the. The Three Colour effect and I know upon many tutorials out their inwhich I can use. Only problems I may occur is getting a good contrast as my idea for my film could'nt have come at a worse time what with the bad weather and everything.

Heres A Extract from the film Doom, in which it goes into First person which is easily the best moment of the film. I just really like who they took influence from the game and put it in the film to great effect, dont really have much to say on it as ive covered what I like about it in other research but Its just another example of a kind of theme im going for within my video.

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