Monday 31 January 2011

Marketing Plan Rougth

Hello, Im Thomas Newton and I am Currently studying Film Games and Animation in my second year at Leeds College of Art, I am in my second year of the course, and have the option of taking a third year if I wish to choose to, at this moment I plan on keeping my options opened as to whether I undertake the third year and want to decide what route is best for me. I have decided on an area of work I Wish to forsee a carear inwhich I have found out about myself these two years and a route I believe im set up well to sucseed in. Locations wise I am struck between two contrasting decisions, the chance to work in places like America and Australia greatly apeals to me for a variety of reasons including climate, culture and personal interests. However I would not apose to working in UK as its the place where I have been brought up and I am familiar with, also for family reasons as I am fairly close however a change may bring out the best in me.

I have chosen a specific route I would like to undertake, which is more based on the illustration side. I enjoy concept art and coming up with Charcter and game environment designs. However recently I have rediscovered my aproval for Graphic design and is something I wouldnt rule out. Ive also recently got into designing tatoo's and have considered a tatto artist.
My plan on getting to where I hope to be is firstly to get a good portfolio and to improve my skills even more in the pacific area. I plan to get my work out their through entering design competitions, getting my work on sites such as Deviant Art and maybay even running my own website which is something to consider.I'm hopefull on gaining some contacts through both social networking sites and going to convebtions and keeping in contact with mates from previous courses, basically get alot of contacts, and try to think of something different inwhich to promote yourself which makes you stand out upon the many canditaes.

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