Thursday 27 January 2011

Research ( Settlements) - Game Art Year 2

Below is some research. I started off by looking at some island settlements, obviously with my island been set on an island I thought it would be a good idea to look at a few examples to gain influence from, such as the terrain of the island, the size and the landscrape inwhich to gain influence on and take into designing the island. I really like the second island and could see that working really effective. I would like the isalnd to be feel very sizey, what with you been a monkey, a rather small creature, so the idea of been surrounding by mass of trees greatly apeals to me. So think it would be a nice idea to have a very terain part of the island which is beautifully landscraped and then a rather flat terrain level in which the game level will be hold. Just an idea at stage but one I can potentially see in taking forward. Another idea I potentially thought of was to have the island landscraped to a kind of monkey face similar to skull island . I think this would greatly apeal to the target audience, obviously dismanting the kind of sinister apeal and going for something more within the region of my target audience. Just a few ideas inwhich to take into development.

Here is some monkey enclosements at Zoos, I just wanted to get a feel for the kind of habitat monkeys are used to, It would have been nice to actually visit a zoo in which to gain a better knowledge but with it been winter and so on. But within doing this research, I though shore thats ok, bit im not aiming for realism so really I can just design what I want to and be comletly crazy which is what im aiming for within my game level as i believe my my target audience would be more grabbed it be something whacky and unique rather than a realism portrait og a monkey enclosement which can be found in a zoo. sort of concepts I have in my head are monkey themed slot machines and video games, something along those lines would work brilliantly.

Heres a a few images I found on the internet on The Tarzan Treehouse attraction at Disneyworld, Its the perfect image of something im aiming for, what im aiming for is buildings but at tree height level so you dont ever connect with the floor and this is some great research as its beautifully themed, I really like the ida of having a king of mini village within the trees, and the mountanious setting behind I think has real potential. Only issue I have is this could take alot of time modelling which is my realy worrie within this project as my skills on the software arnt up to scratch at all. Another thing I really like the textures of the buildings and is something Id consider, the use of wood, but potentially make it colourful and incuse some interesting patterns, maybe even patterns of different animals, which could add a real fun factor to the island. I really like the use of the drawbridges, which look great and i could even connect them to different trees. Another worry I have with this idea is I dunno how unity will react with me and I may have to model trees, but we shall see when I get to that part in the project.

On the subject of disneyworld I remembered visiting the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse which is a smilar concept to the tarzan attraction and is themed very like which is of similar concept to the idea im looking at. I really like the fact inwhich everything is made of wood, which is something to consider on my island, the resources inwhich the monkeys have to build things, but then you get onto the point of not aiming for realism. Even still I think the idea of including wooden construction only is the way to go and will contrast best within the trees. I also just thought of a great idea inwhich of having modern day items such as TV's and video consols but having them made in a wooden texture which would work really well and gets away from the realism point i made. I also like the idea of using a lift to get you around the trees which is something to explore.

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