Sunday 24 January 2010

The Thing Intro

Im going to be critacally analysing the intro to The Thing where the helecopter is chasing after the dog, Well the Scene starts of with a range of long shots concentrating on on surrounding landscrape and scenery informing the viewers of the setting of the film and providing a kind of deserted feel and creates a dark atmosphere, as you then see in the distance a helicopter is aproaching, kind of emphasising the point how deserted it is as thats the closest human activity that is available. The camera then concentrates on moving in on the helicopter revealing to the audeience that the helicopter is a big part of the storyline and straight away gets you intrueged as to whats the purpose of the helicopter. You are then showed a over the shoulder effect of someone climbing out of the helicopter which is really effective as it gives the impression in which they are after something however you are not sure what and creates tension.As then it shows another effective shot as the camera stays in the same position however shows the helicopter moving away into distance emphasising again the point of how deserted the area is and is very clever as it gets u thinking what are they after as theres nothing around for miles. You are then showed a close up of one of the characters hower u are not shown any of the identiy of the character, all your are provided with is there after something and they want it bad. You are then given a shot of the dog, the creature they are chasing. I really like the way in which you are delibaratly shown the identiy of the dog and kiven a close up in which he looks towards the screen, This is done deliberatly as it automatically gets you on the side of the dog as you presume there hunting. The chase scene in which the helicopter is chasing the dog is shot mainly on the ground as you see the helicopter flying over which creats a gripping atmosphere as u can see both in the same shot so you can tell how close they and shows plenty of wide shots as the helicopter turns around showing the dog run across the screen which is a really effective shot. I also really like the kind of first person shot similar to video games in which you can see from the peson in the helicopter as he attempts to shoot the dog, which is another great shot to keep you intrigued and gripped to the storyline as you can see the chase from the (hunters) point of view which is gives u the feeling as if you are involved in the chase. I also like the shot inwhich you see the the helicopter aproaching.

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