Tuesday 28 September 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Influential Title Sequences

Heres a few film tile sequences I cam across while browsing around, I decided to both look at films with simiar styles to Saul Bass however having someextra elements included inwhich I could gain some more influences and idea froms.I also thought it would be a good idea to look at some other films which have been developed from graphic novels to see the way for title sequence for that respected film.

Classic film title sequence, which is one of the best around and for a modern films and you can tell the influence of Saul Bass within the sequence. Firstly I love the way in which The characters are animated and the kind of ink / print form a media which has been done to create them which is well done and looks great upon the blue background. I really like the way inwhich the text is animated and the way some of the letters extend which is a great effect and the way they use imagery of the letters which I really like and just adds something to new and kind of makes the text more interesting and is something to take into consideration and maybe develop with. Also I really like the way inwhich the sequence even though its animated you can easily get a strong idea of what the film is about and the general stroyline which is something I want to include in mine, I also really love some of the shapes used for example changing complex images into simple shapes for example a lift is just a square, which is something im looking ito creating simple shapes of complex images.

This is the title sequence for Sin City which Ive used as its the first film I could think of inwhich has been turned from a graphic novel into a film, So thought id take a look. They've just used images from the novel, but I still like the overal feel of it and works well and complements the film well as it carrys on that kind of 3 colour feel which is included at times in the film too, and the red of the text compliments the imagery well. Ive thought about using images from the novel to include in the film but have also liked the idea of developing images into my own design by experimenting.

Another title sequence ive been looking at is "Mad Men" which unfortunatly I can post on my blog as the embedding has been disabled, however this takes I kind of different feel as it uses the sillohette feel still but creates it upon a more realistic background which i really like the feel of and the two conrasting styles of media compliment eacother well and make the silhouette stand out. This is a style I could experiment with for example in a kind of shoot off scene have the character on the offensive as silohettes and the character been shot at in real life detail whch could work very nicely.

I thought Id just look at another title sequence from a film which had been developed from a graphic novel. So I though Id give "The Watchmen" sequence a try, I really like the colout tones it uses and as similar to most trailors of this art sticks to a few bold colours and I like the use of yellow which links to the logo used within the film. I also like the use of the blood splatters which is something I have planned to include within my sequence.

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