Tuesday 28 September 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - 100 Bullets

For my 30 - 45 second project i have decided I am to create a title sequence to the graphic novel 100 Bullets. It was quite hard finding a book/novel that I was interested in as im not a big reader to be honest and alot of books I was interested in inwhich had already been turned into films. I spent alot of time looking at Stephen King books however alot have already been turned into films and I was not familiar with alot of his books which would have required alot of reading into get the storylines and key parts of the film.I had a look at doing Alan Wake as it had'nt been turned into a film, however it was too easy to gain influence from the feel of the video game so was reccomended to stay away. I wanted to find a book that was easy to get the overal feel and could create a syle easy inwhich to develop my ideas and take forward onto my film title project. So I was reccomended by some mates to check out out some graphic novels, however like the stephen king books alot had been turned into films or been in development. So I came across the novel 100 Bullets inwhich was reccomended to me and luckily someone had the novel inwhich I was allowed to borrowed and on first read I was really impressed with and could associte to the novel well and coul already come up with several ideas inwhich to develop my film title.

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