Tuesday 28 September 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Saul Bass

For my Project I have been looking at alot of Saul Bass work as he has designed many film title sequences and posters and was a master at the typface so it was a great way to start my researh on, but what I was most interested about is that I was aiming for a more graphical side for my project,as I believed that was a great direction to head down and is an apropiate source of media inwhich to use for my project as Saul Bass work was heavily based around this style for example and experimented with a different range of media.

Alot of his work includes the use of silhouette which I'm thinking of including in my project as I believe is very apropiate hence alot silhouette graphic images included in the novel And i really like the way inwhich he sticks to bold striking colours and rarely goes over 3 colour tones included within the same image which is something Ive been looking at keeping the sequence to a maximum of 3/4 colours inwhich Black and white would me most apropiate for the silhouette feel and red would look great for the feel of blood inwhich red blood splashes on a black and white image would creat a great effect, as with 100 bullets been a crime / action based novel you dont want to include bright colours although that would make an interesting contrast but the 3 colours previously mentioned id a great way into starting my development process.

What I also like about his work is that its not perfect and alot of lines are not straight or off, however this increases the quality and effect of his work as it provides it with a more kind of hand written feel, which would again fit in perfect to the direction of my project. I also really like the experimentation he has done with card and plan to experiement with similar techniques, however I dont want to rip into his work too much and give it more a feel of it been my work, however it will be hugely influenced by Saul Bass.

Heres a poster, which on immediate look was somthing I really loved, and could easily link with this kind of style into my sequence, and is the exact feel im looking for, I really love the way the silhouette is broken up to give that feel of it been shot and a few splatters to create the feel of blood flowing, I quite like the typeface which has been included within which is something I could experiment with, I really like the feel of the background aswell, which I plan to to experienmt with different styles of media ranging from chalks,ink and paint to hopefully greate great images / coulour tones which will complement the silhoette's well.

Heres A poster In which I really like as it gives me an idea of potential fonts which could be apropiate inwhich to experemint with in my film title sequence, and I like how everything is compact yet easy to read and I like the grapahical aproach and the way the words are layed out, and the way that each word has its own personality, for example the word "big" has been enlarged and the word "red" has been given a more striking bold red and so on, so its something to consider with my typeface abd experiment with further.

Heres a poster to one of Saul bass exhibitions, another image that on first look grabbed my attention which is what I want from my sequence as to grab the audience and be encouraged to watch the film, as this is a trailor and the idea is to get people to watch the movie. What I loke most about this poster is the way he has created a face which I really find effective and the way its not perfect and straight which adds to the feel and creates a syloette feel which you can easily recognice as a face which I find brilliant and would love to experiment with this feel. I also really like the way the typface is layered out and included in boxes and its not all straight but complments the imagery really well.

Heres an example of one of Saul Bass first title sequences which is "The Man With The Golden Arm " What I love about this title sequence is the effect of the silhoettes which are included and the way they link up with the font at times for example when silhoette boxes enter the screen I like way the font works around them which is really effective. I also love the pace of the sequence and the graphical aproach and the way inwhich he has only used rectangle boxed and text but has created a interesting unique title sequence.

This is another title sequence which grabbed my attention "anatomy of murder" which has a huge influence. I really like the silhoette fell again and the way its animated and how it works around the body which I fould worked well and apropiate for the film name, And I really liked the font that was used and the way it was positioned inside the silhoette, which was really effective and the font used was perfect and worked with ths shapes, overal from looking at alot of his work theres alot of influences to be taken and mixed with some other sources of media to hopefully create some interesting work and as eyecatching as his.

1 comment:

  1. One of the resources you have available is Emily King's: Taking Credit: Film title sequences, 1955-1965 Have a read through and see if you can respond to her analysis of Saul Bass.
