Tuesday 23 February 2010

RSS Feed - Good Or Bad Idea

I was recently told to investigate in the idea of having an RSS Feed, I had previously never experienced this, So I went along and checked out Google Reader, and from my experience of using it I got mixed impressions of the Software.

How it works is very impressive as I found out that most of the websites I visit including Artists who im hugely influenced by all have RSS feeds and it is very easy to use by just clicking the link provided and it wall send any updates directly to your reader, so if you just include a few RSS feeds it is very useful as you can identify much quicker of any updates or new posts instead of searching manually, However if you include alot of RSS feeds for me it just gets to crammed especially if you subscribe to any old website which can become a habbit, you can be just provided with loads and loads of unrelevant updates and basically rubbish, and may even miss out on some very important research which gets missed in all the junk.

So my overall opinion is if you subscribe to a few feeds which you find majority of the work relevant, then it is a brilliant idea and Id highly reccomend it, other than that Id continue to do it the old fashioned way and search manually around and you may come across some brilliant reaseach for example on some other site you have never visited.

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