Tuesday 8 June 2010

Digital Film 1.5 (Summary and More)

Throughout this project I was a beginner in most of the stuff for example this was my first time using equipment such as HD cameras and had very little experience with other crucial filming eqipment such as Lighting and Tripods and throughout this brief I aproved my knowledge and became more comfortable with the software.

I also had very little experience on software such as After Effects and Final Cut Pro and I really enjoyed using the tutorials and improving my knowledge and learning new effects which I cant use not just for film but for many different forms of media and for upcoming projects.

Overall Im fairly satisfied with my film for saying that its the first time I've peformed anything like this. Of cause if I was to do it again they would be plenty of things I'd learn but Im happy with the progress and hopefully I can take what i've learned from this project and use it to improve on upcoming projects and push myself even further.

I also did the 2 minuite brief with Mark and Ifraz which went really well and from doing that project I learned alot of valuable things which I took over on to my project, such as the continuity effect which I learned on for mine.

I also did some work on other projects, more behing the scenes for example carrying equipment and providing advice and my opinions but overall even though this is not a brief that aquires to my taste I enjoyed learning about it and learning new skills.

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