Wednesday 12 May 2010

Dont Look Now! Truth, fiction and the art of storytelling.

In this session we were given ways in which u can tell and narrate a story, some methods are better used depending on the story you are telling, for example the film Sin City is set in one environment and includes several stroies which overlap with eachother for example the characters apear in others stories for brief moments, Such as in the film as most would be more familiar, they used the 1 scene at the bar inwhich all stories interacted with as u can see from the video below that the main individual characters are within that shot and each story within the film has a reference to that scene in the bar.

Other example is the style,of starting the film with the ending/Middle and from that point been delivered a wide range of flashbacks which have resulted in leading to that moment. This style by been delivered the ending may seem like a spoil, but by given the ending you are intrigued and drawn in to find out what caused this situated, however If you are given the reasoning early on it could become very boring and predictable. Films that perform this style well include The Blair Witch Project, Citizen Kane and Pulp Fiction to an effect.

One of the most popular ways into telling a story is to do a voice over the image/character to get a there view of the situation, and expresses his emotions through speech and informs the audience of his feelings and what he's actually thinking, These can be used effectivly however can ofen spoil a movie with sloppy dialogue used to describe situations and become irratating. One film that does a voice over well ive been told is The Days Of Heaven.

Another way is to tell the same story from different characters, which provides a different view,and ould give a second opinion on characters and give an unbiased view as your hearing the story from different sides. an example of this is in Saw as the two victims who have been captured tell there different stories on how they ended up in that situation.

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