Wednesday 12 May 2010

Reading Film And Video

During this lesson we looked at different genres of films and how we recognise different films to a pacific genre? and in ways how some films accomidate a wide range of genres such as Films like Shaun Of The Dead for example including Horror/Romance/comedy into a film. Aproaches for wide topic ranging films such as the film I just suggested need to balance them selfs out for example if I took the Horror aspect and the Romance aspect of the film which are contrasting elements and one you would normally associate combining. However it needs to be balanced out carefully depending on the main genre of the film which in this case is Horror as too much romance would contridict the target market of the film if u advertise the film as a horror, of cause theres nothing to stop advertising as a horror romance.

I think in general It is easy to associate a film into a pacific genre as there plenty of evidence to share, Starting off with in some cases the actors for example if the film includes Jason Statham or Cristian Bale you can pretty much gurantee an action/thriller.Music is also a great key and is developed to coinside with the film for example in horror films u are delivered the music to suspense scenes, and in comedy/romance film your provided with in general more happy/upbeat music.Costumes/outfits give a great impact towards the time period and setting of the film which is self explanotry. Obviously the characters involved are the most important key and what the storyline includes but in general I think relating a movie to a genre is preety straight forward as we've been brougth up with a hole range of well known genres and films which we can easily relate to.

Aswell we were told to look at the film, Alfred Hithcocks The Birds, and look into Laura Mulveys theory of the glaze, to me this is once again rubbish from somone taking offence and basing all her facts to coinside with this film, to start with this is Alfred Hitchcocks film and world he has created, not reality and the female character is acting a role which has been provided, I dont think hitchcock is using woman as a sexual item, yes she is looks stunning but to me her fur coat demonstrates wealth and power, for one she is the only character we are shown within the clip from what I can remember so how are we supposed to compare and contrast betweent the men in the clip, having looked back all we are shown from the shots is a few emotions from her, I fail to see how that is showing woman as sexual items. Yes maybe around those times woman were looked in general as the inferior sex, however times have changed for the better, and Hollywood has been trying to move away.

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