Wednesday 12 May 2010

Radical Typography

In this lesson we were on about punk/punk rock imagery we looked at how typography is used to evoke emotion or to help give off an image and how through use of cut and paste they got a DIY feel to there albums,posters and merchandise. Firstly Punk is very political and has great impact socially so the DIY aproach seems a very aproapiate method to chose as a majority of punk is about standing up against the negative impacts globally from Political to Poverty isues in the hope of improvement.

A classical example of this in use is Sex Pisols which incorporated this style to great effect as shown by two of there album covers below

2 examples of highly contriversial albums using this technique, the top example used cut outs of letters from the newspapers and used them to cover the queens eyes and mouth to indicate the form inwhich the band are not happy with current news and issuing a protest towards the government,It was not used as an direct insult towards the queen, but was idolised as demonstation towards high power. at the time this caused massive uproar and contriversy however since then the album has been names as one of the most iconic examples of album art.

Other great political punk albums which bacame idolised for there front cover include the Clash as shown below with "London Calling" which was a photo from one of there live shows, the photo was not planned but symbolises the anger and energy that punk was about, and the power for change.

Influenced from the likes of The Sex Pistols punk artwork then started to tackle many important issues ranging a wide arrange of topics from War to Poverty, heres a few that I found which really stand out.

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