Wednesday 12 May 2010

Entering the Hyper-real, Planet Baudrillard

My view initially of the Hypereal was kind of like living another live virtually for example Second Live and World Of Warcraft come to mind, where u can play and meet people socialise and create a new identity and character of which u have less limits than reality and can explore more. Or even the idea of just using the internet for example shopping online where your performing human actions virtually.

But with reading what Baudrilland has said regarding hyper-reel I've been thinking does it go much deeper than that, he seems to suggest that Disneyland is a perfect example of a hyper reel, I can understand where he's come from as its like we've been taken out of our natural environment and placed in this world where 2D characters are represented in 3D and includes many themes and rides based around films and cartoons and bringing fiction to life. However for me I strongly disagree with these comments at the end of the day its a man/woman in costume which only the young and guliable believe to be real, dressed up and acting, and Disneyland was all man made in which we created and if it was not for us Disneyland would not exist so It was our concept that brought it to life, for me Disneyland is in theory a theme park with higly themed rides and characters which we created. To add Disneyland is not there to make the rest of America real, that is nonsense for reasons Ive already suggestes America was constructed by man and Disneyland was constructed by man. Shore its like entering a different environment but if u demolished it all end of the day it would be just land. Thats just my thought.

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