Wednesday 12 May 2010

Uncanny In Film

Fistly u could say that all films are uncanny as its somone acting and taking on the role of a character and story which is made up, and acting beyond how they would nactually react in reality, aquiring new personalitys and attributes within the role there acting.

Most commonly Horror movies are a prime example of The Uncanny, for example horror films including Zombies and such as there still human and have our same attributes such as walk,eat,see and still look like us but perform these actions in a completly different way yet they are supposedto be dead, not living. Dawn Of The Dead remake is a great example as it took the steriotype of Zombies as slow and brainless, and turned it around to create Fast slighly more intelligent Zombies briding the gap making Zombies even more human like despite the fact there not giving a better improved perspective of the uncanny.

Heres the best clip I could find of the remake of Dawn Of The Dead, could'nt find an exact scene of uncanny so thought Id just post as good a trailor I could find

Most Recently I watched the brilliant film Shutter Island which is the perfect example of an Uncanny film, for those who have not seen it the basic plot of the film Is a detective goes to investigate an Island, and believes that they are experimenting on mental patiences and there playing the role of god, and trys to gather proof, however it turns out that he is a patient there that had been sent there for killin his wife, which he then believes there using it as a conspiracy to keep him on the island however turns out in the end he is insane and has been on the island for 2 years. This is a perfect example of uncanny as through that 1 character to the audience you could be persuaded to believe he is a sane person or an insane person.

Heres a trailor of the film, as its not realeased on DVD yet hard to find an exact scene on Youtube.

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