Wednesday 5 May 2010

Film Production 0.1 (First Ideas)

For my 1 minuite film my My first ideas are I want to create a scene from a movie inwhich I have decided to base it on a kind of psychology horror, Im drawing towards the idea of interpreting the phobia towards the number 13, Im intending to base it on the main character who has a fear of the number, im undecided on his reasons as to why but im thinking of relating it to some tragic experience from the past which he keeps having flashbacks to. I want to create a really dark atmosphere and create suspense, I want to draw huge influence from, films such as Signs, The Shining and The Sikth Sense, that element of suspense which ima big fan of. Im intending not to use violence and gore but i plan to make it disturbing as possible. Im now going to come up with a few storylines and idea to narrow my ideas down.

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