Tuesday 11 May 2010

Film Production 0.2

Ive decided upon a storyline for my film. Basically its going to the main characters 1 year anniversary after his Girlfriends death, Of which the character is still unsure as to how she died and believes upon a conspiracy she was murdered. He has suffered severe depression the last year and wont rest until the truth is found. To which I want to start of the 1 min clip by basically showing his emotion and his daily routine, to then later on he is delivered a book, which happens to be his girlfriends favorite book with the message on the book "happy 1 year anniversary" covered in blood. He then flicks through the book and discovers a family photo on page 13 with all there heads cut off. To which he heads of on the hunt.

Im planning on producing the clip in black and white, heavily influenced by Sin City, i am also planning to have certain aspects of the clip such as Blood and News article headlines colored in red. Im also planning to have a voice over through the film.

Not really what im aiming for within this project but im really interested in this video in which I found. I really love the style and imagination which is included and have come up with many ideas inwhich I could include in my version, However I was'nt sure whether this going for this form of media would pass the brief as only requires one shot so I decided to have an attempt at this form of media during the summer break.

Not sure if Im planning on using one during my film but would really like to do some of my own footage using a slow motion camera some time in the near future, we were given a tutorial on using a slow motion camera and using equipment such as a tracker in which to get more accurate footage which could be useful within the filming procedureand from what I saw it came up with some excellent footage, This is not the footage we collected as a group but heres an example of the kind of thing im talking about.Id love to experiment in one of my own projects at the idea of setting up with a band and using it for somone playing drums and guitar and so on. Think that could make an excellent side proect.

We allso had a lesson on using green screen which was a really interesting tutorial, Im not going to use it on my project I dont think well there may be small aspects of the film im planning such as the newspaper headlines however if I require I shall just use green paper which shall still work. We were also given tutorials on how to upload green screen footage for great effect on After effects and were given tutorials on tracking and stabalising the footage which could be really crucial towards a later date depending on the footage.

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