Thursday 25 March 2010

The Future Of 3D Gaming?

3D Gaming? well it makes sense and is the obvious rout to go down, however I cant help but think its just a fad and been developed for that cool flavour of the month feel, which is no doubt what is experiencing at the moment and no doubt it will go onto sell millions but is it really that benifitial?

With all these 3d films been developed. Ok i cant comment on 3D films but having seen for example Beowulf which is a movie I enjoyed in 2D,only let down was all the cringeworthy action scenes inwhich it was going out of its way to interact with the audience with the typical body thrown towards the camera scenes that u expect from 3d, and I just cant help but think why,Id much prefer imaginative and well thought out scenes and storylines which would impress me move than this gimmick. I fully agree with this statement below.

"3D can compliment a film experience if it’s immersive and worked into the story rather than the shameful pointy gimmickry that many seem to crave from 3D films. The best case in point being My Bloody Valentine 3D, which used a pick axe as the antagonist’s weapon of choice; possibly the pointiest of all weapons used in a horror movie

I just feel unless 3D films can develop and include brilliant storylines whether its in 2D ir 3D and restrains itself from using gimmick scenes which from what ive been told from fellow studets it has not yet and in a result the storylines have suffered then im not in favour which I fear is what will happen to video games when they inevitaly develop 3D in that well thought out intriquing storys will be ignored for unoriginal action games and cramming as much 3D effect in as possible without thinking.

The only 3D expeience i have been involved in is Shrek 3D at Universal Studious which is actually really fun and entertaing however is 5 mins and incorporates a kind of 4d effect with water squired at you and your chairs vibrating and the temperature of room changing. Even with all these effects it still did'nt feel as if u were part of the action as your in that sense of mind that its a just a screen which I feel that no matter how technology develops you have to be in that state of mind to actually believe its happening.

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