Tuesday 17 May 2011

3DS Making people Ill

s revolutionary 3D screens were supposed to provide gamers with a mind-blowing experience.
But it seems Nintendo's new console has only succeeded in giving them a headache.
Hundreds of angry users have complained that playing on the 3DS makes them feel unwell.

Health warning? Hundreds of angry Nintendo users have complained that the electronic firm's new 3D console makes them feel unwell
The handheld device was launched last week to huge fanfare in Britain, Europe and the U.S.
But gamers, some of whom queued overnight to become the first to own it, are already reporting side-effects including dizziness, nausea and headaches.
One Twitter user said: 'Warning to everyone, if you’re already ill and have a migraine, DO NOT play the 3DS with 3D on. Urgh. '
Another gamer said: 'The 3D gave me a headache, so I hated it.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1371435/Nintendo-3DS-makes-gamers-sick-gives-headaches.html#ixzz1Mc2OxahK

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