Monday 16 May 2011

Future Of Gaming - Console-less

After each decade the question of where the gaming industry will lead is always asked and whether they can develop much further. Currently we have 3D gaming, motion and sensor gaming and who knows but the idea of gaming without a console is intriguing. I found this artlicle on about the future,where they are suggesting the possible death of games console's such as playstaion and xbox, to be replaced by a device that will be compatible with everything, they aso came up with some very interesting points and linking it to the current decline in the music indusrty, and as technology developed the latter changed, for example filesharing and online downloading and the way we digitaly get games, for example purchasing games through Xbox Live, and the forever growth of online gaming, and with suggestion of games sales down in the past two years. And the way its becoming possible to download xbox games illegally from the internet and copy onto harrdrive.

heres the article.

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