Monday 16 May 2011

Getting Into Industry - Concept Art

It comes to mind when one is painting that getting into the games industry as an artist can be a tricky thing to do. I myself am 19 and currently studying a Games Development course in the UK. This is good, however, will it be enough to get my foot in the door as an artist in the industry that eveyone wants to be in.

As the Games Industry is one of the most prodominent industries in the world at the moment and to try and get a foot in the door can be close to impossible. Some information that I have found out though, is that University Degrees are not that needed. Now that can be good news for you if you do not want to go to university. The industry requires experience and talent and only the best but if you don't have the proof of what it takes then what can you do?

To those in the UK, if you are over 18 and you want to get your foot in the door and be given a chance to prove your worth in the industry then here is some valuable information to you. As you probably know, most games companies don't really give you a chance as they are on strict deadlines and have an extremely busy schedule so they can't really take on random people for work experience etc, SO, with some help from my tutors I have stumbled across a games company ran in Leamington Spa in the UK for people of the age of 18 or over who wish to get their foot in the door of the industry.

The company are called Blitz Games and they are running a programme for people who wish to gain work experience in a professional workplace. The place is only for those who are extremely serious about the profession and they will not accept those who do not have a decent portfolio and a will to be the best. The place lasts for 8 months and you can apply any time of the year. There is an application form on the site and it is not just for those wanting to be concept artists. The positions they will give you will be the the Junior levels so, if you want to be a 3D modeller and they give you a place then you shall work for 8 months as a Junior 3D modeller, if you want to work as an artist then you will be a Junior artist etc.

For those who don't know how to get into industry then this will benefit you extremely.

Haven just visited there website, this deeply interests me and I plan on getting in contact for more infomation as I believe this is a great idea as new talent has to come through.

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