Monday 7 June 2010

Film Production 0.9 (Day Of Filming)

Day of filming went pretty well, There was a few problems encounted though, obviously some rooms including the bedroom and the shower are were really cramped so trying to fit a tripod into tight spaces was really difficult and some planned shots had to be slighly ajusted for example the first shot of the character getting out of the bed was done at an angle and not from an shot straight ahead as The tripod would'nt fit. Also the same happened with the footage recordered in the shower room and of cause had to be cautious what with the obvious water electricity, however I was glad the camera even fit in there.

Obviuosly a big problem was the continuity effect and making sure random items did'nt turn up in situations inwhich they wer'nt previously which we struggled with during the 2 minuite film we did however I learned from that, which was a task in itself especially with the amount of bottles and cans I was using but overal it went smoothly.

I would have liked to have taken a light out with me as that would have added better contrast when coming to the cut and Looking back at the footage on the cam some of the scenes especially the latter ones are very dark, however with that getting a cam and light could have been potentially more hazadous.

Overall was pleased with the filming and got some nice footage in a decent amount of time, some shots required more that one take but generally filming went well.

Just a few shots of cams in action

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