Monday 7 June 2010

Film Production 1.2 (Editing PT 3 Visual Effect)

For my visual effect I was always from the start in going for a sin city effect, however I originally planned to concentrate on the theme of red, as I was going to include Shots involving blood which was going to be the main vocal point of the video from 2 scenes including the blood splattering on the sink and the shot of me cutting cheese, was going to include some blood effect in that shot. However I really struggled to get a good blood effect and could not find anywhere within reason that would sell fake blood, I attempted making my own blood mixing items such as, ketchup and honey but was never happy with the final result.

So I rethought my plan and went for the idea of having a green effect to coincide wit the use of the bottles in the film which I planned to make the main vocal point instead and to inform the viewers of there importance which I hoped for.

Heres a really effective tutorial I found using Adobe After effects which I found really easy to follow and use and turned out that this effect was a lot easier than I first feared.

Heres a few screenshots of the final effect on the two scenes I had planned to use the effect on.

And heres the same effect implied to a different scene in the film

I really liked the effect when played on After Effects however when importing the .mov file onto Final Cut and then rendering the file it would not recognize it so I tried a range of different things to no result and the same message kept coming up. Unfortunately the project deadline was the following day so I couldn't include the effect so I decided to just go for The Black and White desaturated colour effect which still looked good in my view however was lacking that certain aspect which the colour bottled would have added. However hopefully at a later date after deadline I could go back and revisit and hopefully include the coloured footage. I would also like to go over it and experiment with the cutting scene and include some blood, maybe dripping of the table where I cut myself that could be effective.

Heres the message I received when trying to render the footage onto final cut.

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