Monday 7 June 2010

film Production 1.1 (Editing PT 2 Dropped Scenes)

Unfortunately due to the amount of footage I collected I had to drop a lot of shots to coincide with the 1 minute brief. I struggled to upload the files on to blogger as was set to the wrong format so I plan o burn them all on to CD.

As mentioned before Shots listed Scenes not used 1-9 were not used for the fact I skipped the scene in The bathroom, I was also given advice as to leave this part of the film out as the Blood effect I went for turned out really bad with the coloring and looked over the top which could have worked as I was aiming for a kind of comedy / dark humor theme so I decided to leave that aspect of the film out, It would be nice to go back and revisit that scene. Another reason I left it out was I was not happy with the footage building up to the shower room scene so decided it was for the best to carry on to the kitchen scene. I plan in the future to edit this and include this scene at a later date.

Scene Not Used 10 I didn't use for the main reason the lighting was terrible, and as mentioned before is one of the reasons why if I was going to revisit I would include some Lights. I also was not happy with the shot and when editing it didn't go well with the previous scene So I decided against.

Scene Not Used 11 I decided against using as I wasn't happy with the results I got, and It kind of played better without the inclusion of the scene and the cut shot between the fridge and knife looked better and more effective so I left it out.

Scene Not Used 12 I decided against using as I were not happy with the final shot result as u couldn't see much of the cheese and what was happening, within. So I went for the views from the side and front which were much more effective shots to include in the shot as you could see the happening and created more tension which was helped by been able to see the expressions of the character.

Scene Not Used 13 I actually really liked this shot and the close up effect Looked great however similar to scene not used 14 It just didn't flow well with the edit and the music, I would have liked to included this shot however it was not to be.


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