Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual Influences Year 2 - Analysing Title Sequence

I decided to analysis the title sequence for the film "Catch Me If You Can" I decided to analysis this opening sequence as the style was something similar to what I was aiming for within my project, that kind of sillohette approach which deeply impresses me and that kind of saul bass influenced feel.

This one of my favorite title sequences, its just beautifully designed from the start to the finish, the title sequence follows the brief outline of the story and its a really apropiate use of media to useas it has that kind of 60's feel for it both in use of typography and the use of sound which connects will revealing to the audeience the time in which the film is set. Theres also some great use of kinectic typography used for example the the way the typography in animated to connect with the words foe example the way in which the word "Catch" is animated to symbolise, you cant catch me, this is an effect I really like. I really like beautiful tones of colour used often keeping them selves to three colour's which works out really effective due to the use of the silhouettes adding to the great effect created within the sequence.

I especially like the scene in which the character goes up the elevator, this effect is so simple but yet it looks graphically stunning, something Im hoping to achieve on my title sequence.The way in which the typography interacts with the screen for example is something I really aspire to and the way it feels like you interact with the next scene, to me this symbolises The the effect of the main character trying to escape, and the chase continuing, not giving to anytime to slow down. I really admire the use of imagery, such as planes and lifts, Its very appropriate to the film and and the way they are animated is beautiful, nothing to complex at all, just simple animations of them moving up and down, but the way it is sone and how it interacts with especially the typography gives the impression well of something more complex, for example like I mentioned the moment in where the lift moves up is just a square. On a similar point the way in which objects such as elevators and Aeroplanes are simplified to basic shapes is really well done and suits in with the rest of the sequence well

Theres nothing at all I could comment on in regards to things I dislike, everything seems perfect to me and is defiantly my favourite title sequence using this certain style, other sequences using a similar style or Madmen, Hustle and more notably the icon Anatomy Of Murder sequence, but this defiantly more than holds it own, everything from imagery, typography and animation is flawless and something I would like to take influence from in regards to my sequence.

Taking this into my project after analysing the sequence there is plenty of stuff Im hoping on taking into my project, what with me doing a graphic novel "100 Bullets" this is a perfect chance do try attempt a similar form of media to that which is used on The Catch Me If You Can title sequence and would defiantly be an appropriate use of media what with 100 Bullets been based on a graphic novel. So defiantly analysing this film title and breaking it down in to what I like about it has given my plenty of influence and ideas in which to develop into my own title sequence.

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