Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual Influences Year 2 - Brief Intro

A brief outline of myself, I studied pre Leeds College of arts at Chesterfield College where I took up interactive media, however more focused on the graphic side which I did enjoy, but wanted something a little more computer based, which is why im now at Leeds College of arts studying film game and animation.

The area of the course which apeals to me most is concept art, anything from coming up with character designs to game environment levels, I also have an interest in moving text, such as film title sequence and effect based projects such as After Effects. Ive also recentky become very keen on the unity software having really eyed the recent project. At this time though I feel concept art and Games designer is the best route for me.

I have to be honest the theory side of things is an area which deeply confuses me and a topic I struggle to get the grasps on, It took me a very long time to even begin to understand the term uncanny and its purpose, however I belife my knowledge on the subject has deeply improved within time. I'd have to say Id like to know about theories towards my specialism area which happenes to be as mentioned before concept art and games designer. Im not sure on pacific topics within this area but I'm quite interested by the theory of photorealism which is potentially an area I'd like to learn alot more about, but any related theory on that subject would greatly interest me.

The book I have chosen to respond to is 100 Bullets, It was really hard in choosing on a book but for the type of media I wanted to design my title sequence in, which was very graphic, syloette aproach and hand drawn text,that kind of saul bass aproach. which Is why I though 100 bullets would be great to use as withit been a graphic novel and would connect within its apropiate genre. What I want from this module is to improve my knowledge within the area of typography and image and to gain a greater understanding which I can put forward to my final piece, for example use of colour, size and font and whether its suitable to use.

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