Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual Influences Year 2 - Writing and Being

For this lecture we were introduced to thories of writing, what with us having to ride an essay in the near future is was definatly an apropiate lecture. All forms of writing are a kind of story telling form, whether it be about ourselves or someone else, negative or positive. Most of the time its regarded as verbal communication with friends, family, boss whatever. However we always talk in our minds too asking for self assurance or thinking whether its the right thing to proceed in or asking for advice maybe, which is a weird one to answer as how can we ask ourself for advice, but sometimes I think we regard our mind as another person and ask our inner voice for advice. Our inner voice acts as a narrator and from this we learn how to react do certain situations which other a period of time becomes its on chracter in a way and when we come to a finish ie stop writing, we are able to retuen to ourselfves and have possibly contrasting opinions in some cases to what we have just said, we let our mind come into this character when writing.

Michael Gazzaniga's view is that of an interpreter within us which creates a unique feeling to make onesself unique and this is through the interpreter having separate knowledge on our lives and our inner voice from our previous character become a history to seep into our current understanding and damage to the area of the interpreter can result in narratives created by people who have an unfixed perception of reality.

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