Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual influences Year 2 - Film Review

Welcome to the year of animation, 2010 has been a great year for 3D animated films, what with the sucsess of Despicable Me, and the well received How To Train A Dragon. And now is the turn of Megamind, A 3D animated film prodiced by dreamworks, the ever famous company responsible for big hitters such as Shrek and A Sharks Tale and boy does it rank up there with some of Dreamworks finest work.

The basic plot is about a super itelligant alien voiced by the ever poular Will Ferrel who attempts to conquer the city with his sidekick Minion voiced by David Cross. Ever since an early age however there has been a spanner in the works, who has defeated him on every attempt to take over the city, Voiced by the hugely incited Brad Pitt Metro Man has defeated him with ease on every attempt. However Megamind has one more attempt of pure evil in conquering the city left him in and to his surprise he succeeds and led to believe he has finished of the rivalry with Metro Man for good. However in conquering the city he then finds that Roxanne Ritchie, voiced by Tina Frey begins to conquer his heart, after his attempts of trying to win her over through disguising himself as Bernard, he is then found out and Megamind is left heartbroken. From that moment he begins to question himself. To the point where he begins to miss Metro Man and there long feud. So in the hope of trying to rediscover a rivalry he invents some superhero injection, to which he accidentally injects Roxanne's cameraman, voiced by Jonah Hill. However becomes too powerful for even Megamind and begins to cause havoc on the city to which Roxanne and Megamind team up with the hope of saving the city, However thats not his only goal. Theres plenty of thrills and surprises left in the story however I wouldn't want to ruin them for you.

Overall I really enjoyed The film, it has a bright and colourful feeling to the animation, with huge elements of humour mainly provided by Minion and the brilliant casting Of David Cross with his highly recognisable voice but all the characters provide moments of brilliance within the film. The storyline does feel a little cliched and feels like old recycled material from over films around, however this makes up for it with the highly light hearted appeal and not taken itself too serious. I really enjoy the goofiness of the film and just adds an extra element to the film what with the unique inventions such an a "Illiteracy beam" and something called "Typhoon Cheese" just adding to the whack concept of the film.

Overall its a thoroughly enjoyable film with beautiful animation and huge amounts of comic value, however The story feels too cliched and cheesy at times at doesn't set itself outside. Id defiantly recommend Despicable Me over this however its defiantly worth a watch in the age of animation.


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