Wednesday 9 February 2011

contextual Influences Year 2 - Communication Theory

This week we looked into a little of communication theorys and were introduced to these seven types and these are either Transmissional or Constitutive theories and we looked at the Transmissional Theory of Cybernetic or Information Theory of Communication.

Transmissional theory is the technical side of sending and receiving messages and the unknowing of getting the messages wrong.

Constituitive theory is how messages are seen and how the message is similar to the sender as well as the receiver. Receiving a message from someone with a different cultured background which is viewed in a different perpsective.

Cybernetic theory is the steps of the transmission process into detailed steps and there are three sets of problems:

1.Technical is the coding of the transmission in terms of codes and the systems usage.
2.Semantics is the language of the message and how they it would be a problem if part of the message was lost
3.Effectiveness is the message giving the right mood through the messages wording

The Constitutive theory breaks into sub-categories that are part of the traditions

1.Semiotics-language being precise to become a clear message
2.Phenomenological Tradition-the repetitive use of a message through the understanding of physical life experiences
3.Classical Phenomonology-the viewers subjective analysis is not considered
4.Phenomonology of Perception-our knowledge is through our choices from views

Semiotics are a form that is best recieced in the advertisement industry which is used as a form of a clear message with the aim of grabbing the audiences attention by making the message apeal to the target audience by hooking them in and using the form of text and image as a clear message which is interpretated such as good quality, buy this and so on.


Ill keep this post to one as it carries on from the previous week. In this wwks lecture we looked at a futher four more theories relating to communication, thhese were:

Rhetorical-this theory is one which provides much more of a viewpoint on the communcation process and is a process which isn't a single one but is a circular process in one which when sent a message you will get a reply and even forwarding particular messages to others thus creating a process which carries on.

Socio-Psychological-this theory is the scientific understanding of how the thought, behaviour and feelings of people are influenced by other peoples presence through actual, imagined and implied presence. e.g. From someone thinking of another person doing a terrible act influences you behaviour or thought towards that person.

Socio-Cultural-this theory revolves around how society contributes towards individuals development from teacher to student. e.g. A student developes by being around a teacher someone intellectual to teach the student and the students society developes them with cultural beliefs being and strong point or a negative one.

Critical-this theory is an understanding of being criticised and allowing negative feedback to be a form of positive feedback.

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