Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual Influences Year 2 - Cinema as Door

For this weeks lesson we were introduced to the term "Cinema is a Doorway." The idea of this figure of speech is the way in which a film will introduce itself to the viewers and the way it will lure them in, to do this it will have something that opens up with capturing the audience's imagination, this can be obtained through a variety of methods such as setting a tone or emotion.

We then looked into how the opening of a film should remind the viewer of where the film is from such as the time its set and what its trying to message to the audience, which helps with the transition into the film world.
Other things that can help its cause is the use of sounds such as diegetic and non diegetic sounds, these are sounds the viewers can instantly relate too, also a diegetic voice can tell a stpry such as the roll of narration, for instant can be use as flashbacks or even when seeing into the future, this form is great as it can tell a little back story of the character and inform the audience whether its positive or negative impact.

Heres a few terms and there meanings I learned within the lesson too

- Paratex: Text within text, altering the meaning of one text.
- Paragon: Moving between worlds.

Also in todays lesson we were looking at the relationship between text and film and the different forms you can use emotion within. This is named Kinetic Typography which is a great way of linking text and film, however it is used by not including any footage, just the use of typography for example if its a angry tone of voice the use of typography will be big,bold and right in your face whereas on the other hand if its a quiet tone the typography will be small and timid. Its a great technique to use and one which I can gain influence within for my title sequence. Im thinking of having the typography react with the music / sound effects such as having bullet shots and having the typography splatter around a bit, and even car sounds and maybe have text apear fast and go along the screen to give effect of a kind of car chase without including any imagery which is a great idea to proceed in. Heres a few examples of kinetic typograthy in action.

Its a great use of typography and would love to experiment with this form for my title sequence, and set a good theme which will lure the audience in relating it to the term "Cinema as a Doorway"

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