Wednesday 9 February 2011

Contextual Influences Year 2 - Start Of A New Phase film noir

This weeks lesson was just considered as a general catch up and trying to get us all to catch up and start blogging and joing in which online conversations about certain areas of contextual studies. However we did talk about pacific genres, and the kind of style they use in relation. However we also had a little look back at some previous lectures that we had been recieving in relation to the brief we had just completed which was the title sequence and looking ahead to the two parellel briefs. We were just looking at and reminded of certain theories which we could relate to a draw influence from for the briefs.

I believe that running these lectures in parallel to the title sequence worked out really well and in generall was greatly received. It gave us a good insight into certain areas of title sequences such as imagery, typography and sound and helped us to understand and influence how to tackle these areas in apropiate to the mood and genre we were trying to set within. I found the Cinema door theory very interesting and helped me greatly with my project, as sound is a major part of the cinema door it helped me create an apropiate atmosphere and also set the story and genre and get the audience gripped, probably more than the use of images in a way. I created A kind of suspense uneasy tone as that relates well to my sequece of a crime / gang graphic novel. I was also given a great insight into the use of typorgraphy and really enjoyed the lecture before of how certain typography may be seen from a negative view because of there past connections.

Heres A few theories I have been looking at depending on the brief.

Title Sequence

- The Cinema Door
- The Emdodied Mind
- Use Of Typography

Game Art Animation

- 7 Basic Story Lines
The Quest
Voyage and Return
Overcoming the Monster
- The Uncanny Valley

Music Video
- Discord
- The Embodied Mind

I think all these theory's could influence me on the respected brief

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