Tuesday 8 February 2011

Game Art Design Part 2 - Statues

For my concept art I cameup with the idea of featuring some statues on the island,was playing Little Big Plant and the idea of including famous statues around the world and converting them into monkeys really apeal to me, and believe would apeal to the age catergory,and could potentially be classed as educational, the idea of a monkey statue of libery, whilst technically its alreadt been done sounds really promising to me.

One of my first ideas which came was to have a A statue situated on the kind of port area of the island. Taking huge influence from the statue of liberty, which is an iconic site and worldwide known. My idea was to have a similar replica however I wanted to add a appeal to my younger audience and creating a humourous appeal, so my idea at this moment is to have a statue of monkey holding a banana based on the shre of the island as the first thing u see upon entering the island which would be really humerous and a great way to set the tone for the island, also someone mentioned humming the national anthem in monkey sounds which I thought was a cracking idea to process with.

I was also given advice to look at the remake of the film Planet of the apes which has a scene at the end of which I am unfamiliar with but will probably check it out at sometime, in which features historical statues such as the Abraham stature featured above however with ape / monkey recreations. Unfortunately I couldn't find any images / videos of the statue of liberty in the remake however plan to check this out at further date.

Another idea I came up with during the concept art was as my terrain idea was to have a kind of well landscaped area with a mountainous region. and I just thought about the cristo Redentor in Brazil and using that as an major influence to a unique statue design. Maybe including instead the ruler of the island, probably my robot character to suggest to the audience his importance and the monkeys bow down before him, only issue I have is I dont want him to be treated as a God, I want him to be treated as a enemy of which the monkeys are trying to dethrone. I believe this could work really well. Maybe even potentiall include a cable car which animates and goes up the hill to which the robot is located in secret possibly even under the statue maybe. iI really do like this idea and would be easy as to model, what with my robot character already been modelled.

Just thanking about some statues, I though about the iconic statues which surround Easter Island. I though this would be a great part to do some research on as their located on island in the pacific, which is kind of the similar location i am aiming for with my island and the potential idea of including monkey head statues on the shore similar to that of easter island would be a great idea but have them more apealing to the younger audience, maybe each one pulling a different expression. I really like the idea but with me been useless at modeling faces, could be too time consuming for one element but its a good idea to mention.

Heres just a few monkey statues I found which really appealed to me and which I believe I can draw reference from, maybe have them dotted around the island, maybe even have to collect some across the island hidden in secret locations, similar to variety of games, or your even rewarded one for saving the island. Just a few dsigns to gain influence from.

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