Wednesday 1 June 2011

Films and Games Based In New York

Thought it would be interesting to look at a few trailors and In Gameplay footage of some movies and video Games based in New York, just gain some influence of possible directions inwhich to develop the environment, gain more influence about buildings, landmarks and the surrounding area.

First of I Looked at a list of games which have been located / Influenced by the surroundings of New York and The list is huge so there's plenty of references inwhich to gain influence from. From the list I remember playing Max Payne in particular and remember the dark atmosphere especially in some scenes which came within the game, unfortunatly I couldnt find the scene with the Baby Crying inwhich it feels like your walking through darkness as that would have been a great to analyise. However looking at the trailor below you can tell the dark atmosphere, for example within the trailor its all based towards night and set in the back alleys and subways of new york, And the buildings have windows smashed and cardboard against them, something to look into when it comes to texturing the buildings. I aslo really like the cutscrenes used as it tells the story similar to a comic book / graphic novel which is an element Id like to develop. Finally a comment I really like the stroyline involved within this game. The idea of a dark storyline involving crime which is something im looking towards.

On a similar genre, heres True Blood Streets Of New York which is in a similar vein to Max Pain, that kind of crime / violence aspect. However what I noticed within True Crime is the amount of textures and buildings which duplicate themself, and to think that this game would have been devloped in acsess of around 200 people, it just gives a sense of the timescale involved inwhich to develop an a big scale environment, and I have to think about what can be achieved within a certain period. I also noticed the amount of graphiti featured which is something I could look into, as vector graphitti could be a nice feature inwhich to include.

On the other scale heres a few movies which Ive watched previously that have been set in UK, I thought this was a useful watch to gain a better understanding of certain aspects such as the fasion, culture and interests of the city and its locals. Also some famous aspects which is familiar with New York such as the Yellow Taxi Cars and the business of the city.

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