Thursday 2 June 2011

More Reseach On Buildings.

As I was developing on with my project I wanted to gather some ideas inwhich to texture my Buildings and gather influence from work who have used a similar stlyle im heading towards. First thing that came into my mind was The music video from Parkway Drive - Sleepwalker which I have mentioned before on a early project but its a perfect focal point of research. Heres the video below.

Watch the video from 2.08 onwards and That is a perfect example of the kind of style im Heading towards, That contrasting element between the black and white looks really good, I think there probably a little too bit realism for my project as in everythings perfect, such as the shade and the lines. Im wanting mine too be a little more cartoonish / graphic. I really like the way in some buildings main focus point of colour is white and others black as they've got it to resemble the reflection from the sunlight very well, which is something which could be very challenging on unity but its something to experiment with which could be something to look at to make it more interesting indeed, So heres a perfect sense of research.

Obviously theres Sin City which Ive already mentioned alot, which I wont go into too much detail, but from the way things are looking im heading down a much lighter / cartoony version of sin city however Im still looking on a similar atmosphere and that crime / guns / sex apeal.

I was sat watching Eurovision the other saturday for a laughth, however Im glad I did as I found the perfect example of research coming from the most unlikeliest of places in the Estonian Pyro as you can see below.

This is absolutly perfect in the style aproach I can head towards, Obviously I dont want to copy this technique but I want to design my own building incorporating a very similar style, What really grabbed me was the way in which the windows for example are oversized emphasising that cartoonish / graphic novel aproach. And the way it has that handrawn aproach with lines off and windows tilted slighly towards the side however it adds to the effect and work brilliantly. Something I also want to mention is that building to the left, where it has the shape however the building line goes complely off with looks really cool and is something I could experiement with myself.

On a Little side note over that same Weekend I watched War Of The Worlds The Remake,which is set in New York aswell and I just wanted to comment on the trailor, the way in which the Highway completly dominates the housing, just thinking that could be an area I could develop into my game environment, maybe having the trainline look superior to some of the buildings, adding to that everything is superior that you atmosphere im heading towards.

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