Thursday 2 June 2011

Island Development Road And Cross Roads

Before Placing all the buildings onto Unity I thought It would be adviced to get the road and traffic Lights into place, This was the wasy part, The Road was very simple to create, the crossroads section was a little bit more tricky as I needed to make sure that none of the cubes, in this case which I used for road overlapped as that can cause a minor problem when importing onto maya which I found out, I didnt use much research for the road section of the project as that was pretty much straight forward, heres the simple texture I used which was very easy to create, Only slight challenge I had was making it stretch enought to fit the road and making it stop both at the end and at the crossroad, what was more challenging was placing the crossroad texture into the middle as I had to use insert edge tool inwhich to get the markings accurate. Here are the two simple textures which I used, I created them in illustator.

From that point I wanted to create some trafic lights at the end of the road, which would be the point in which on the game when your playing you cant go futher,on that point I want everything to be blocked off, the idea is there are 3 bridges, the west bridge, north bridge and east bridge. However all acsess from and out of the island are blocked off And at the crossroads section idea to have a few cones scattered about and signs saying bridge is out, all acsess is postponed, that kind of feeling, as far as the storyline goes im not sure as I'm going to mentione why, as that could be something which keeps the player intrigued to find out and carry on playing the game.

Just wanted to have a look at some crossroads in New York to gain some influence as for the shape of the lights and so on.

Heres the above picture I found however its not the best but I can draw some reference from them. However Im wanting to create a simpler form, As far as colouring goes, Im not gonna create a texture and just have them black and white with the flashing red, which Actually looks really effective, Obviously I want the symbolise danger and that the city is in chaos. Id actually really like to animate them as to having them flashing but Im not sure as to how to do that at this time but if I have time towards the end Id really like to go back andexperiement with that idea.

Looking into road signs and Cones, I have to be very careful here as obviously I dont want to mistake British and American signs. Heres a very good image of which I can take influence by, just a simple design and my idea is to texture it with red stripes to fit in with the theme which could work well, also Maybe include a bridge out / road closed sign but I dont think it would need it, and with the choice of colours used it would stand out as something important on the island.

Heres The two simple textures inwhich I used to create The Signs and The Cones.

As you can see from the screenshot of how things are looking on unity I really like the area of the game, although its not a main part of the level, it provides some infomation to the users for the storyline and the colours work really well especially the cones placed on the road it looks really effective next to the black and white road. Just to add i'm planning on leaving the roads as they are, I dont think theres any need to build a broken bridge for example, as I belive you are given enought infomation for the audience to imagine there is a bridge there as it helps with the timeload.

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