Thursday 17 March 2011

Game Art Design Year 2 Part 2 - Final Concept and Interior Design

Heres just a semi final concept art I did for my design, its focusing on the village area as the other parts of the island i am more alsee certain as to what im acheiving.

Starting off, I decided to use the hexigan / pentagon shaped buildings as firstly they will be easy to construct as they are modelled based upon simple shapes and secondly there easy to link up together drawing reference from bees honeycomb. Im planning on adding cone like shelters again cause there easy to place on yet will look good and belong well upon the environment. Im going to link them up through a footbridge, and maybe include some vines hanging of which will look nice and a few rope wheels hanging off as a kind of acsesory but will also look great upon the settig and reminds me of a kind of monkey asventure playground which works out well. Im planning on having the bride go other a lake aswell which I forgot to include within the concept art and then having them link up with the cable car station.

For the interior design which is going to be the monkey / robots layer im aiming for a kind of mixed environment. Im wanting it to not bee too dark, but obviously it needs to be a little more intimidating than the rest of the island as he is the boss and should strike a little fear. Im wanting a lab area to give the imperssion of which he is sceintist as he did create the robot, and then combining that element with i kind of factory based themed upon where he keeps all the bannans collected, which he uses, and on top of that I want to be a kind of home theme as to where he spends all his time make include a table and a bed, have a few bannas on the dinner plate to demonstrate his authority on the plate, and all the other huts where the monkeys are located have none, creating some impact towards the story on the island which could work well but would the audience notice something like that.

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