Thursday 17 March 2011

Game Art Design Year 2 Part 2 - Game Concept Ideas

Heres just a few ideas which I may include within my storyline of my game art, firstly the rougth outline just to remind you the evil monkey on the isalnd has created a robot, and has stole all the bannanas on the island with its help and to this day is undefeatable. Within thinking more I have decided upon designing a kind of Lab based interior for the robot character to be featured within.

An idea I had is that the lift is out of the bounds, and one of the objectives is to search the island and five maybe for example five bannans inehich will contain a code which you can then use to activate the lift which will take you the boss. Im not sure as to how difficult this would be to achieve but is definatly an idea I may consider, however I then thought hws that gonna work when he has all the bannas on the island, so maybe something else you have to collect maybe monkey statues which could work well, its just a potential idea which Im sure the users would enjoy.

Further development which I think is a good idea if I can pull it off, is to have a cable car situated within the bottom of the island which will take you to the top which I believe would be a great interactive feature and offer amazing views over the island which would work well, also potentially come up with somenting more unique and intersting, for example maybe a barrol cable car. when you get to the top you will be able to see great views of the island and you will then enter the secret hideout inwhich you will meet the robot chracter.

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