Friday 18 March 2011

Game Art Design Year 2 Part 2 -Interactivity

At this stage during coming up with designs for the concept art, I though about possible ways as the user you can interact with certain aspects of the island to add that fun kind of approach to the island, during the designing process we did some tutorials on how to bake animations from maya onto unity which worked well so plan to carry on with a similar format and include some animations within my project.

A few features I was thinking about was with having a cable car which operates from the bottom of the island and travels up the mountain to the top station, The cable car will stop at the station. Im thinking of having a button possible inside the cable car which will let you operate the car and move forward and back, and be possible to stop and admire the beautiful scenery though not sure at this time how to script this, but its a nice concept which Id like to develop further.

I was also thinking about a lift / pulley which will be animated which would take you from floor level to the buildings. Just a simple design such as a platform tied to rope and will pulled you up to your destination. I was thinking of varying it a bit and maybe this animation would carry on a loop, and the idea was having to time the jumps right to land on the platform, possibly adding a little more of a challenge to the island.

Was thinking about the possibility of having some sort of media such as a TV or a radio on the island. Possibly the later i am more in favour with. Which as the user you can turn on . I though about having these situated within some of the huts, and possibly doing something like a news announcement on the island which will also add to the atmosphere and inform the users in a easy and recommended way to the story of the island in case they were a little confused so has more than one meaning to it.

Would also like the possibility of having day and night happen within the island, and it may be too much work but the idea is to have the different things happen within the 2. A few ideas was things such as a monkey curfew maybe where the monkeys only come out at night or have it so the you only meet the boss at night just a few ideas at this stage.

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