Friday 18 March 2011

Game Art Design Year 2 Part 2 - Sounds

Was now thinking of some concept for some sounds which will feature on the island, obviously starting of with some textures sounds depending on the environment been walked on at the time within my island. Thinking of recording a variety of different wood sounds, with a hight variety of my island been set on wood construction, and deep grass been another texture, which shouldn't be too hard to create sounds by using a variety of different objects within the sound booth.

I was also thinking of some sounds for the cable car and the lift features, which could be a little harder to come up with the appropriate sounds but believe would sound good upon the more natural sounds of the island.

The idea of monkeys roaring in the background is a sound which is high on my to do list as I need to indicate the fact that monkeys are on the island. So what I am hoping for is the random monkey sound appearing within the background every so on which would be a nice effect on the island. Another idea I came up with was with my focus been a kind of silly and humorous approach I thought about the possibility of the monkeys singing some famous songs which the target audience would be familiar with. Which would be a nice effect on the island possibly having a few radios situated within the monkey huts which would play different songs. Which I believe would be a great casual atmospheric effect on the island offering variety and appeal to my target audience. Also I like the idea of a radio announcement been played at different times, potentially coming from the voice of the robot, to provide the users with more background into the story behind the island.

Also thought about having a little theme tune which will play on loop at all time, kind of like a island theme tune. Possibly bringing in a few drums to record a a kind of jungle beat which will sound good on the island adding that effect of a fun casual island.

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