Monday 28 March 2011

Hamlet On The Holodock

In todays session we took a look at the narrative within Cyberspace, we mainly took this theory and focused it on Hamlet looking at the book cover and what was writtin within as there was plenty of important notes of reference towards Shakespears use of language which had a great effect on the narrative history. J.L Austin came out with a quote 'Speech act changes the world' What was ment with this saying is that through communication we can develop our surroundings and change them to what we want, which you can then link back to the idea that through the narrative stories can be told all the way through mans existance and the narrative can be passed on and influence others which can help keep the tradition.

Shakespear's famous novel 'To be or not to be' was the first to be introduced to the world inwhich a charcter speaks through the use of his inner voice. This allows the viewers to be able to be able to know what the charcter is thinking / planning on doing before he actually goes through with it, or if he even does. This is a method of creating suspense as you could take one side of the charcters options and wanting him to perform in this decision. Shakespear also brought a wide range of new vocubalory to his novels / plays and words which brought new narritive with them and made the simplest sayings become complicated and was further produced by Laurence Sterne in Tristran Shandy.

A perfect example of this kind of narative been included reminds me of the film Sin City where you view the film from different charcaters aspects and there individual storylines and the way there storys overlap, such as one scene where all the main charcaters can be seen at the bar. Also the use of shakespear method in where you can hear the narrative from the characters inner voice telling the story and expressing his emotions and possible decisions inwhich you may expect the chracter to take. It also leads to after thoughts towards the audience of what would have happened if he had took the other decision / route in the story which leads onto possibly the audience carrying on and creating a narrative.

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