Tuesday 23 March 2010

Evaluation - LATE (moodle said 25th march to be uploaded by)

I started of the project with a quite a negative view on the whole Second life experience, I just did’nt see the logic behind it and just thought it was basically a place for your internet steriotypes. But after getting to learn the software and learning the capabilities it really grow me. I really enjoyed editing your characters apearance as Ive never experienced that much freedom to basically become what ever you want.I also really enjoyed the building side of it as unlike over software such as maya I found it rather straightforward to build interesting unique constructions and picked it up very quickly. Although I did’nt perform any scripting myself I was really impressed with some of the feauters such as been able to fly your own vechiles and opening and shutting doors.
For my project I teamed up with Dan and Steve and did the Steampunk island. I started off kind of out of my comfort zone which I liked as it was a new challenge to revel in having not knowing an awful amount about steampunk However I enjoyed researching it and found it a really interesting subject to perform.
As a group, we shared mixed experiences. We all came up with really good ideas but we did’nt work as well as we should have.We were all given certain roles within the group however within time we all were kind of overlapping and doing other peoples job for example my role was come up with concept art, yet I also found myself doing alot of Construction and building. Another point was our communication between eachother was not great as for example some of our buildings and designs looked nothing like our concept for our group to then comment they never saw no concept art, and at times we started of building without planning or drawing concept art which was a mistake as 9/10 the buildings looked horrible.
Things I did enjoy is I really liked the freedom, even though we were given a criteria of things to include on the island I love the freedom of basically been able to come up with crazy ideas see for instance our carousel. I also liked with working in a group geeting other peoples opinions and enjoyed splitting up and letting over people who have more skills in a pacific area do that role.
Overall Im quite pleased with the island and the buildings,and some of the ideas we came up with as a group were really good and unique of cause if I was to do this project againg theres things I’d do complely different, for example first thing Id do is redisign the fort as I believe it is a weak link and to straight. I definatly even though it wasnt particulary my role on the island work more with textures cause some of them are horrible and work more with sound and some scripting. I’d also start blogging from a much earlier date as towards the end it got a bit messy on the blogger and may seem confusing. And finally most importantly as a reference for more group work, plan ahead and keep everyone focused on what needs doing and so on but in general I quite pleased with the happenings.

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