Sunday 21 March 2010

Game Art 2.0

Here is more detailed concept are for the port area as you can see I took influence from my previous idea and just brushed it up a bit sticking with the idea of having magnets for the vechiles to park up to which I really like. So I did a some concept from the front,top and the side to give a view on how it will look from all angles. I only did one side view as the port is going to be symetrical.

Here is a a few screenshots of where we are at with the port, taken from similar angles to the concept art to give a acurate acount.

As you can tell the port is not yet finished as we still need to finishing on the texturing, however im really happy with the development and is looking really good and similar to the concept art in ehich we designed. However since then we have come up with a couple of ideas to improve the area. Firstly to include a kind of platform for visitors to get out of there vechiles which should not take too much time to design and secondly to design a vechile to be parked under the magnet which is a good idea as it would demostrate tho thouse unsure the function of the magnet, but overal im pleased with how the port is looking.

Screenshot of development as the platform we suggested earlier is complete and a view from the top to five a idea of how the port looks from above now as the platforms are complete.

Heres just a close up of the platform

Heres a vehicle which me and Steve modeled between ourselves and placed in the parking area of the fort to demonstrate to the viewers the concept of the idea of using magnets to secure vehicle's.

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