Wednesday 17 March 2010

Game Art 1.4

Some concept ideas for the Warehouse, Basically a warehouse is considered as an old boring kinf of flat building with not much detail. However I wanted to change this and create a interesting eyecatching building which would be the first building you came into contact on the island. And we wanted to have the building open and have an interior design of your typical warehouse.

Heres a few ideas I came up with. Just some ideas using elements such as wind ups clogs,magnets and othe steam punk influenced machinery. I really like the idea of useing magnets to open the doors like shown on the top right image however with using magnets for the port I feel the area would be too dominated with magnets. Also like the idea of using clogs or a conveyer belt to open the doors. My favorite concept design has to be the top middle image, However I had a go at constructing this idea and really struggled as I had to use megaprims and stuggled to get the the shape of the two towers right and it looked awful so I abandoned this idea, unfortunatly I didnt get any screenshots of this. I really liked the idea of including a clock onto the warehouse and I think that would look great as you aproached the island. As a group we deided to go ahead with the bottom Right concept which is A boler/powerplant ontop of the warehouse which will be the source of all the energy provided on the island through the pipelines which will be constrcted. This personally is;nt my favorite design but one which would be very benificial to the island.

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