Tuesday 16 March 2010

Game Art 1.0

Please note, I have not blogged for a while due to been busy with the Project so some of the updates may seem out of place.

Any way above is our Concept art for the Fort and an screenshot of what the fort looks like to the minuite as you can see the concept art and the screenshot look very different. This is because during some of the construction we made an awful lot of changes which resulted in us having to draw new concept art to accomidate our ideas, however some of the new features were already half built before going back into drawing new concept.

One of the main problems we occured was the roof as we struggled to get an accurate arc shape as u can see on the plans, and when we did it just didnt look right so we decided to investigate into the possible idea of having a roof to which Dan came up with the idea of having a kind of interlocking pipe roof which was easy to construct and in a way could be a good idea to use to convert the steam and connect it to the buildings within the fort and at the same time also provides alot more protection and would be more efficent as a fort than the original roof concept. Here is an screenshot of the roof.

Other change we made was we doubled the size of the fort as we wanted to give the impression that the fort was the dominant force of the island cause at the time our Warehouse was bigger, therefore by doubling the size it showed all the charactaristics of what we wanted our fort to look like, stong and powerful.

We also decided against the idea of a drawbridge as while we all thought It would be a good idea there really was no point as there was no water or gap undernath so we decided to keep half the idea and have steam powered doors which open. Which was a great place where we could get visitors to interact and have some sound which cud be used.

There the main things we have changed of cause they are other little things such as the piping and the tower structures which we have slighly changed position to the edge but those are the little things which will be tweaked all the time till we have finished.

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