Thursday 18 March 2010

Game Art 1.8

Heres some concept ideas for furnature and ideas to be included within the pub, Within the designs basically I thought of the most common things which are included in a pub apart from the obvious in been tables,chairs and so on. Popular things include slot machines,TV, and pool tables which I think could be included into our designs. We were quite lucky as we are situated quite close to a kind of steampunk influenced pub in the Dry dock inwhich we could draw reference too as shown below.

Within the pub were aiming for a bright kind of relaxing feeL to it and we all really like the idea of using a fireplace to add that kind or relaxing and cosy feel to the pub and have a few posters thrown in. Some concept ideas I also came up with was have a kind of mirror reflection for example having chairs and tables stuck to the roof which I think would be really cool. And another idea I quite liked was to have a kind of conyayer belt which would take drinks to the tables So theres a few ideas we can exeriment with there.

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