Monday 8 November 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Blood Test 2

Heres A Blood test I did using this premade blood effect on After Effects which I borrowed from a fellow student

Heres a quick animation of the blood been used on a plain white background, at the moment its im experimenting with black as its easier but If Im happy with my results I shall colour it red. From the video I really like the effect and the splatter could work well with some of the imagery for example gun shots.

I did a few experiments with the first scene and can already tell that the paintbrush effect is a much better technique to use. Firstly the paintbrushes are a better and more apropiate style of media to use as they go better as the colours are more bold and they work better, and you have more control over them in positioning them and are easily editable, as you cant extent the length of blood effect here so once it finished the animmation it disapears so for those simple reasons, im going with the paintbrushes which is comfortably the better option.

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